As of October 1, 2024, the number of recipients of social payments in case of job loss from the State Social Insurance Fund (hereinafter referred to SSIF) amounted to 236.1 thousand people, while 190.2 thousand citizens were paid this year. The total amount of payments amounted to 62.2 billion tenge.

In accordance with current legislation, dismissed employees receive social payments for job loss from 1 to 6 months, depending on the length of service in the compulsory social insurance system and income for the last 24 months. The payment is made at the expense of the SSIF in the amount of up to 45% of the lost income.

To apply for the benefit, a dismissed worker needs to:

- Log in to the portal;

- In the "Employment and Job Placement" section, select the "Registration of job seekers" service;

- Order the service online, fill in all the required fields, and submit the application by signing it with a digital signature (DS);

- Within one day, the Career Center (CC) at the applicant's place of residence will offer job vacancies;

- If a job is not found, the status of "unemployed" will be assigned remotely within 3 working days (if necessary, a CC employee will contact the applicant for additional information).

This service can also be accessed online through the Electronic Labor Exchange (

Once registered as unemployed, the information system of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection will send an SMS to the applicant's mobile phone, offering the option to receive the SSIF benefit in a proactive format. In case of consent, the applicant must reply to the SMS. The payment will then be automatically assigned.

It should be noted that the unemployment social benefit from SSIF funds is provided regardless of the reasons for dismissal and is intended to support the unemployed person during the job search period.

Source: Internet resource of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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